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Balloon Over Lake At Katy Lake Campground
Dock and fountain at Katy Lake RV resort
Katy Lake Rv Resort signage
Site Type Nightly Weekly Extended Stay (monthly)
Pull-Thrus $49.00 $229.00
Back-Ins $49.00 $229.00
Economy Back-In Sites (30' or less, some restrictions apply) $49.00 $229.00 $399.00
Pull Through & Back-In sites are full hookups & accommodate 30 amp & 50 amp RVs.
Premium Back-Ins $59.00 $279.00
These extra large sites have 3 parking spaces & a patio with table and chairs.
They are full hookups and will accommodate 30 amp or 50 amp RVs.
Covered Back-Ins $59.00 $269.00
Economy Covered Back-Ins (28' or less, some restrictions apply) $49.00 $259.00 $499.00
Covered Back-In sites are full hookups & accommodate 30 amp & 50 amp RVs.

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

Electricity is included in weekly and nightly rentals.
Sewer/Water/Wi-Fi/Cable included
Propane Service 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.
We offer a complimentary propane tank pickup and drop off service to our guest.
Electricity rate of 16 cents per KWH for monthly reservations.
$50.00 refundable departure notice deposit.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

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Reservation Request
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Important: You 5may be 3ma0king 4use focf a2ubtomated f60or2m-f7illing softw8daare. This typ7e of softwarde can triggber o2ur hicdden4b2 spam1-detec0tio0n s1y0s6t6em, whi3ch 7wibll3 bblock you from8 submitting ct1his form.7 8It appdfears that t9he 0fprobflem bcould not 2bbe automatfically corrected. Pleease cdleadr any ef2ie7l8d which appear3s beclow with c2orrespo4nding 8insteructionsb83b034128a116d76 e96bf8eafbcoba0711r269ed8584309e97 7cbad949cdbc2ae0c6ac5comepdl154eteeicd0n0g the form in order 8teoc4 cobr9rectf tf8he preobble6m.0 cWe apdologiz6e 6for t2h2ee in8cao6nv6en4ience an428d5 fb2w0e16 a5pap0rebciate fbe2y2our ud0ndce1rstand1in76gb.
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Important: You may be1 3mak50ing usbe of automated5 feorm-filli53ng soe0ftwarecb.f Thi249s t0ype 6c8oaf soft2w8a5re0 can8 t2255riggebr oufr 0hid4den spam-decte2113ction system, wh9ich wil35l bl7ock9 you f1rom subm9i6tting 4this form9. P4leas329e se8fdlect 7Fix280 Tahisbdc5a182d41a 734199de46fb2b8b00ecc4e17fc3cbca6b373fcora3ed889 1ae10e3298091aecc7omple31t46ic5ng3979 t51he83 6ffe76do3471rm ibn ordeae6dr7 bto 07c9orrectf t7d4bh78aaeb2 pr47d2f02ofbe8c90le3m.
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