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Rental Units

New for 2019! Cottages 5 & 6

Newly updated cottages
Newly updated cottages
Newly updated cottages
Newly updated cottages
Rental Nightly Weekly Monthly
All Cabins $65.00 $275.00
Lodge 7 $80.00 $300.00
Lodges 4 and 8 $90.00 $400.00
NEW FOR 2019! Cottages 5 and 6 $100.00 $500.00
Apartments 2 and 4 $100.00 $450.00
Apartment 3 $100.00 $500.00
Apartment 1 $100.00 $500.00
Office Apartment $100.00 $500.00
Pool House Apartment $100.00 $500.00

Click here for Weekly & Extended stays.

All rentals include:
Free electric, water & sewer
Free cable & wi-fi
Refrigerator • Microwave • TV
  • Cabins at Houston East RV Resort
  • Lodges at Houston East RV Resort

Notes on Rental Units:

  • TWO night minimum stay.
  • Deposits apply on rental units.
  • Bedding, towels and kitchen utensils are provided.
  • No children, no animals, and no smoking. No exceptions. Subsequent renters may be allergic to smoke and/or no animal dander. If animals or smoking rule is broken, a $200.00 cleaning fee will be assessed and any refundable deposit will be forfeited.
  • Routine maintenance and warranty inspections performed monthly.

Reservation Request for Weekly & Extended Stays

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provided by Unspam
Reservation Request
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